Amelia Simone
Social Media
Don't get me started...
This image was posted yesterday and had been censored twice. Once with pixelate and with lines through the nipples. So double censored and it was removed from Instagram. I see nothing wrong with it, other then the fact that some people will be offended in seeing it because they think of it as porn. This mindset and way of thinking is stupid and idiotic. I will never understand people who believe seeing a nipple on a woman means porn. I see a beautiful photograph of a woman. Anyway, I'll be taking a long break from posting my work on social media. I can not invest my time on platforms that can not distinguish the difference between my work and porn. There is a difference and I do not shoot porn, nor am I interested in doing so.
Sally G
I got to shoot recently with an old friend.
Now that was a good article on the Reflex camera
MUA and Model Josie Neves
From my most recent shoot with Josie.
For those interested in prints the store front is now live.
Website update
I have been neglecting my website and blog long enough, it stops now. I will be posting here on a more regular basis. Also, with this change I will add images available for purchase on the [Shop] page. Follow that link for images and pricing.
Shots from my shoot with Actress Mandy Fason
Mandy came to me about a week ago and shared her thoughts on an idea she had. She wanted to shave her hair for a role she's playing in movie. Not everyone can do what Mandy has done, most because of the fear of not having hair and the reactions they'll receive. To be honest I wasn't sure for her either for those reasons. It takes someone with strong character to pull this off. With or without hair she's shown how important her passion is for acting and that to me is beautiful. Here are some shots from our shoot.
I've been very busy shooting 120 film and I'm loving it!
This weekend I'll be developing and I'll have plenty to share soon.
New to me!
Mamiya RB67
I'm very excited to get started with this machine.
Window proofs
Lauren window set
I had a fantastic shoot with this Lady over the weekend. It's my hope that we work together again soon.
For Sale
More details soon. Contact me at
Business cards arrived!
very happy with these! Thanks
Journey back to film with my 35mm cameras.
Nikon FG, Nikon FM2
So I started with a few old rolls I had. I've not shot film in nearly 20 years and I've shot much more digital then film in my life. My results weren't great, not that I expected them to be, but I did really appreciate the slowing down effect that shooting film had on my process to creating.
Nikon 35mm Film ~ FujiColor
Locked and loaded and ready to have a little fun with film.
Every model I work with is special to me but there are some occasions when you get to work with someone who's truly a diamond in the rough. NattyBee would be a perfect example.
To see her on tumblr:
Kitty cat