A picture a day #1

Lets see how long this will last.  I intend to share at least one photo a day on my blog for as long as it'll last.  I'll start with shots that may or may not have been taken the same day but I'll eventually only post on my blog photos that were actually taken the same day it posted.  Wish me luck, here goes image number 1.

I took this image on Feb. 7th 2015 during a shoot with the Lovely playboy cover girl Melissa Jean.


Foxy Empress

Or Foxy Cleo?  Fun shoot with local actress/model Empress Harrison.  Make up by Kimberly Vereen.

Point Reyes, California

I'll add more content about the places I visited but for now just adding shots from my trip to California last week.

​Sir Francis Drake Blvd.

​Sir Francis Drake Blvd.

Bambi :-)

Bambi :-)

Boat in ​Point Reyes

Boat in ​Point Reyes

​Seals on the shores below

​Seals on the shores below

Point Reyes, California

Point Reyes, California

Point Reyes

Busy, busy, busy...

We have a new website and blog!  The new website and recent travel, three times to Chicago in the last month, have kept me away from shooting.​

I haven't picked up my camera in over a month and for me, that is a extremely long time.  ​The last set of photos I've taken was in Washington, DC. for the Cherry Blossom Festival and my last model shoot was on April 2nd with Hollis.  So it has been over two months since my last real shoot.  Needless to say I am very much looking forward to getting out and shooting something...  Anything!

Next week I'll be traveling to San Francisco for Google I/O.  I'm looking forward to this conference and the opportunities to shoot in Northern California.  Hopefully I'll have time to do more blogging. after this trip.

​My exciting news to share is that I'll have a new studio starting June 1st so I'll definitely be shooting much more after that date.